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december . 20 . 2017

hiiii fluffies 🤍
merry xmas !!!!! 🍰
my ult fav holiday, the time of year when i get listening to all ragnarok christmas bgm ( which i suggest to all of you, since it's what most helps me to get the christmas spirit )
i think i never told you, but one of my biggest dreams is to see snow. i've NEVER seen snow, since where i live it doesn't snow.
it may seem crazy to you, but it's true, and it makes me extremely sad that i never had a christmas with winter and snow !!
in fact, summer has just arrived, and it is certainly about 30°C right now ...
but the christmas spirit and a lot of ice cream always helps me feel better !
i know that one day i will have a traditional christmas in the northern hemisphere, since my desire is to live there in some years.
but that's a story for another post 🦋

so, i'm having some personal problems and it's difficult to make my shop items and organize everything ! besides that there are still some materials missing ...
but i hope i'll be able to make my online store a reality by next year !

coming back to christmas, i received a lovely gift from bubu : the paper doll mate coloring book
you know how much i love coloring cute drawings, and this book is something i was really longing for. i'm so happy !!!
it's definitely the cutest coloring book i've ever seen in my life, and i'm super excited to get started 💝
i've been looking for scanned pages of this book because i didn't want to paint it only once, i wanted to be able to paint as much as i wanted ( even digitally )
as i didn't find anything, i decided to scan all the coloring pages myself, so the book can be perfect forever, as i can print the pages as many times as i want !

now i will be going, since i have so much to do, heh

xoxo 🐑

november . 23 . 2017

hiii fluffies 💗
i now have custom domains and ssl for all of my websites !!
i'm so happy about it, i managed to keep everything 100% covered with ssl, and i changed all the links, for the consistency.
and now i've also made some new websites : the new improved html tester ( test.pooftie.me ), the offline ywot ( currently private ) and also a new page of unicode text converters ( utf8.pooftie.me ) !
i like collecting unicodes, and there are some "unicode fonts" that few people know about and i think it's cool to share !
these converters were made by me for easier use.
the domains are so lovely, right ? 🧸
edit // i've changed the links accordingly to keep them working in the future !

well, talking on links, there's something i need to say, even if people don't really seem to care about it, i do care :
i like to put links the right way: if it's http, i put http, if it's https, i put https, if it's www, i put www, if it's not www, i don't put www. i do that for all the links i put, everywhere, because i think this is the right thing to do ; i don't want people to click on a link that is different from the reality, i don't think it's right.
displaying links differently from how they are served can cause security errors, or even lead you to a wrong version of the website, since not all of them will redirect you to the right link .. that can be quite problematic !
i just wanted to say this to keep you informed of this issue.. let's organize links better, internet 💻

for this post, i have here also a piano composition to show you :

🩰 angelolatry .mp3

( maybe you already heard it, since it was made some time ago )
it sounds a bit unsettling to me .. but nonetheless, i like it a lot !
i might use it for something in the future, who knows.

okay, i'll end the post here.. !
take good care of yourselves

xoxo 💘

november . 11 . 2017

hiiii fluffies 💟
as you can see, i did a new layout !!
i planned to do this layout for next year, but i had problems with the server and would have to readjust all the pages for the new one, so i took the opportunity to finish the layout right now.
i hope you are enjoying it, i updated several pages with new content and refined the portfolio 🍮
now, i'm using github, which has a good reputation and is very interesting to use, even because my site is static so i don't need complicated tools to edit it.

these days i feel coloring a lot, so i'm thinking about sharing some drawings i've colored here with you fluffies.
what do you think ? please send me cute coloring pages !!
it's hard to find cute drawings available to color, so i really appreciate them 💓

this post is not going to be too long again because i'm here just to introduce the news, sorry ///
please take good care of yourself and take a good rest today !

xoxo 🧁

october . 21 . 2017

hiii fluffies 🚲
halloween is coming, is coming !! 🎃
( a little sad here because living in the southern hemisphere is awful, it's spring now, super anticlimatic )
anyway, i'm going to eat a lot of pumpkin candy and the heat will never stop me !!!!
and how is your halloween going to be like ?

sooo, i made a new flash game for milky woods !
this time i got the urge to draw only teddies, but i promise the next one will be different LOL
i decided to deactivate my dA account, i was pretty inactive there ...
because of my inactivity, i never bothered to become a core, and my profile was pretty messed up for some time. recently, i have slightly customized, editing texts, avatar and gallery, so it was cute, but really, i don't have much to do there.
maybe you noticed that i'm deactivating some inactive accounts, and that's because i'm trying to get rid of unnecessary social media ; ;
the accounts that i keep online but inactive, is because i use them to keep contact with some people !
i don't keep contact with anyone specifically on dA, so i think it's for the best to just deactivate.
don't worry, i'm still going to make flash games, but post them here !!
if you came here from my dA account, i'm sorry for the inconvenience, you can still play all the games right here

today, i would like to talk about something that would be interesting, since some of you know me through the poofties projects' accounts and games, or even before that.
before i create the name "middlepot" :

💌 q & a ✏️

what did i do on the internet before starting the projects and this website ?
some of you have known me for quite some time because i played many online games, especially dress up games and ragnarok. on the /gaming page you can check out my current characters !
i started accessing the internet very early, i was only 7 years old ( 2004 ) . my mom always saw everything i did, so it was safe, don't worry !
i used to play lots of flash games, i used msn, and i had a blog. by that time everyone had blogs / personal websites, where they customized and posted all sorts of things. it was such a delight to explore the internet ..
well, as a small child, i wasn't good with making content or coding, but i liked to post anime girls and cat gifs with lots of glitter, and other beautiful images that i found in random websites.
i didn't have any social media account at the time because i was very young, my mom wouldn't let me ( and i'm very thankful for that ) so i enjoyed all my time ( 2 hours a day every morning ) visiting sozai websites with cute graphics and materials, blogs, and playing online games. my first online game was ragnarok, and my second one, club penguin
it was so much fun .. i have many precious memories of that time, so i try to fill my routine with these same activities to this day !

i could finally have a social media account ( orkut ) once i turned 10, and i used it mainly for posting, again, cute glitterly graphics, and sharing my online memories with friends. orkut was pretty similar to myspace, it was quite customizable and the content was very "restricted" to what you specifically interacted with, which i find really nice.
i also accessed many forums & messageboards at that time, and began to communicate with people all over the world. my english was obviously horrible, but i had the google translator to help me. i never posted any real information or photo of myself because i was taught that this is dangerous.
as time went by i deleted my blog, made new ones, little by little the quality of content was improving, and the layouts were becoming cuter and more intricated. by 2006 i made the first layout that i really was proud of, but it was still obviously very simple. i remade old projects from time to time ( and still do ) .

past 2012 the internet started changing drastically .. the blogs became unpopular, forums too, msn died, orkut died. very sad, right ? it was indeed a very depressing time in my life ;;
i then started looking desperately for substitutes for the things i liked : firstly i tried using facebook to replace orkut, but there you couldn't post gifs or swfs, you couldn't customize your profile or messages ...... internet was falling apart, and no one seemed to care !?
i decided to keep trying anyway, and made my own facebook pages for posting "soft aesthetic photos" , something i was slowly getting into. after some time, i had a taste of how shallow and superficial social media was becoming. needless to say, i was left deeply disappointed, and gave up. everything got deleted.
simultaneously, i started using tumblr. it was well customizable and could partially fill the void that oldschool blogs left behind. it took a long time for me to find an aesthetic that would make me really happy, so i made multiple blogs until i got to my recent one.

it was during that time ( 2013~2015 ) that i created the name middlepot, and started planning the poofties project !!
i slowly found what i wanted to do, and which feelings i wanted to spread : safety & comfort

after a long journey of trying things out, i decided to keep these respective accounts, with the username "pooftie" :
tumblr for posting photos ; youtube for making playlists ; twitter for posting ascii art ; instagram for posting interactive self care content.
to replace msn, which was the platform i always used to talk to my family and close friends, i decided to use line. i kept using it for a few years, and i also decided to try out discord, but quickly restricted myself to only entering my friends' small servers.
since i never felt safe & happy in modern big social media, i never used my accounts in a personal way. these were made just for sharing content to inspire and make people smile !
it was really hard deciding what to do, as i'm used to the more niche and highly customizable format the old internet had .. i always knew i was destined to abandon social media altogether at some point, i just didn't know when, or how !

using platforms made by big companies feels awful, and it never fills the void.. i always knew i needed my little corner on the internet.
so by 2016 i started coding my own personal website, and here i am today 💝
the child me would be really proud of everything i'm doing right now .. this website is really my favorite place on the internet !
here i can put together all the things i'm doing, and all the content i like. here i am safe. here i am free to be purely myself.

edit // over the next years i continued to create 20+ other websites for my projects : the shy bunny store ( 2018 ) , the poofties club ( 2021 ) , the my fluffy life online game ( 2021 ) .. and many side web pages yearly, that are hosted as "pooftie.me" subdomains, where i create and experiment lots of random things with html & css !
by 2022 i started to develop my very own web hosting platform, the puf cafe
a cute & safe place where i can upload stuff as i want and have lots of fun interactive things !
during the process of planning, i decided to invest my time & energy on creating content using the tools i was developing, instead of trying to keep using my social media accounts and achieving unsatisfactory results over and over again.
i only feel 100% comfortable inside my own websites / games / platforms, or in those that belong to people i trust wholeheartedly, and by 2022 i finally managed to deactivate all of my social media accounts and started focusing on things that make me truly happy !!

i hope this answers a few things about how i got here !
and i wrote a lot, i hope it's not tiring to read ; ;

xoxo 🧇

september . 27 . 2017

hiiii fluffies 🍯
i know i'm saying this all the time, but i'm really very impressed with the progress of this site, it's growing so fast !!
it makes me extremely happy to know that things are going well here 🐝
things in my life are complicated at the moment, so don't be surprised by my brief absences !
i hope to start the store and improve some projects by next year.
about the frequency of blog posts, which are not exactly weekly, i'm trying to write posts as often as i get lots of good ideas for the q&a, but the plan is to keep the posts monthly, okay ? other pages, such as the status one, i will update more frequently.

umm, as you know, i'm addicted to teddy bears. i honestly try to draw other things, but when i realize it, it's already a teddy bear. and also, bees, because i love bees !!

this one is very chubby and love cookies 🍪

and, in a small moment of inspiration, i finished editing a little melody :

🩰 little girl .mp3

i really like it .. what do you think ? 🍓
it sounds really heartwarming & nostalgic for me, so i will keep it for an important future project.

that's it for today's post, but let me know if you'd like me to talk about something specific in a next post.
i'm open to suggestions, so don't forget my email : letters@middlepot.com

xoxo 🔒

september . 15 . 2017

hiii fluffies 🐌
the weather is surprisingly hot for an early spring, and even so i'm eating a lot of sweets...
it usually happens on cold days ☕️
the heat makes me pretty lazy, so i'm having trouble keeping my tasks up to date ; ;
i'm trying very hard 🍄
by the way, now i think i can respond everyone's messages properly !!
hmm, i'll be here probably once a week ? i like to have a week routine and i would not be able to be available to write to you every day ..

so, here is a very short song that i didn't do recently, but i suddenly found on my things, and i'm so happy because i thought i had lost it forever !!

🎻 forbidden .mp3

what do you think ? i really like it
cello is definitively my favorite instrument..
i wish i could keep doing classes, but well i'm focusing on other things now 🐕

well, that's it !
sorry for the super short post, oops 🩹

xoxo 💗

september . 08 . 2017

hiii fluffies 🌷
spring is coming where i live !
but the weather is super weird, so i ended up with the flu all week 💊
( i'm getting better now, don't worry )

the site is getting more and more visitors, and i'm receiving so many messages !!
that's really great, but it's hard to answer all of you individually ; ;
but i promise to keep up with your messages, just give me some time !
just remembering : you can send emails whenever you want to letters@middlepot.com
including questions and suggestions for the site and blog posts

i received an interesting question by email from a person who was wondering which tool i use to test html.
well, i've always been used to testing html directly on the internet, because there were lots of sites with "html testers". after observing some, i was able to create my own "html tester" which consists of a very simple code !
i realized that nowadays this is not very common, so, since it's very cute and functional, i think it would be nice to share with you !
the link is " test.pooftie.me " 🗝
it's basically a text box where you put the code, and when testing, it opens a popup with the result.

well that's it for today !!

xoxo 🌱

august . 31 . 2017

hiii fluffies 💝
i'm so excited about the progress of the site,
it's already reached a thousand hits !! 💻
i have a lot of plans for the projects, so don't worry, none of them will be stuck.
as you may have noticed, i am addicted to teddy bears.
really, i draw stuffies everywhere 🐑
some of my future projects will be stuffie themed, so keep an eye open !

some of you know, i sometimes use the website " yourworldoftext.com ", for sharing cute ascii art and unicodes.
based on other versions, i created my own version of this site, but offline, just for fun. you can test things here and create little worlds. i have an exported page, so you can test how the process of importing and exporting worlds works :

✂️ ywot .zip

if you find any weird bugs, please let me know 🎀

that's just it for today's post
see you next week !

xoxo 🍮

august . 24 . 2017

hiiii fluffies 🍓
i'm extremely happy with the progress of this site, you seem to be enjoying it a lot ; ;
as you seem to be still exploring the site, new content will be added to the pages gradually.
at the moment i'm dealing with the shy bunny store preparations 🖋
many items are being made, but i want them to be a surprise so i'll keep it a secret for now. after the store's announcement, new items will always be shown here !
it might take a while though.. i'm dealing with a lot of things lately, but i'm trying my best to keep up with my projects 🔒

i just came here today to say hi, but i'm working on a little thing and will be back soon, okay ?

xoxo 🌹

august . 18 . 2017

first post ever 💘

hiii fluffies 🧸
middlepot.com is finally active, after a long year of preparation ; ;
obviously this is too long time for creating such a simple layout, but the biggest problem was the college, which took up a lot of my time 🎁
you are probably here because of my projects, where i shared this brand new website !!
this layout was inspired by sites from the 2000s that i liked to visit, did you like it ?
i'm going to change it from time to time !
don't forget to look every little corner here, because there are so many pages !
i want to create more interactive content in the future because i love web design and interactive websites. i have lots of plans !
i want to make this site useful and fun for everyone, so please don't forget to leave your opinions and suggestions in the chat.

hm, the projects are up to date, but the portfolio is not making me very happy.
it was great to create one because i could see how i need to improve on things that i'm interested in doing 🌹
it's hard to focus on so many things, but i like to fill my time doing nice stuff !
i will be updating the projects every week, but i will tell you all the updates here in this blog.
but now you will have many new things to see on this site !
please send me ideas, and things that i can do.. and coloring pages, of course, heh
i'm so excited !!! 🍦

so, let's talk about something very important, which are the rules of the contact form :
🖇 please use english or portuguese. i will answer, but i can't promise i will do so quickly ;
🖇 you can ask questions about what you want, and i will select every week an interesting and complex topic to answer in a q&a, because i like to discuss interesting subjects with you, and mainly clarify any doubts ;
🖇 i'll block who pretend to be someone else ( i can see your ip ), who send nsfw content and who say extremely rude and uncomfortable things ;
🖇 if your message is not sent, you can try again at another time or send me an email directly ( letters@middlepot.com )

for now, that's it !
see you in the next post, with the first q&a.

xoxo ❤️